Thursday 10 February 2011

Target Audience Profile

How are other films in your chosen genre certified?

The majority of the films in my genres (Thriller and Horror) are certified 15 or 18. The majority are certified in the Horror genre (e.g. Scream, The Exorcist, The Shining etc) 18 due to some of the language, themes and content that may be unsuitable for children. Many films in the Thriller genre (e.g. The Godfather, The Terminator films etc) are rated 15, due to the films containing some adult content however being aimed at young adults and teenagers. The majority of the existing Thriller films (e.g. Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, The Silence of the Lambs, Sin City etc) are certified 18 due to them containing themes which are too strong for young teenagers.

Who does your genre target?

My film is going to target teenagers aged between 13 - 19 and young adults aged between 20 - 25, as there will not be too much variation between the schooling experience of the main characters and the targetted audience and therefore the audience will be able to relate to the personal experiences the character has.

What demographic groups are you going to target?

I am going to aim to target demographic groups D and E, as they will be in able to relate to the character as their experiences will be similar to that of the character. Also, this in usually the type of fims that people in the specified dermographic groups and therefore, I will try to target this audience specifically as this will be the type of films they are used.

What audience theories may you apply to your film and its genre?

I will try to use the Uses and Gratifications Theory for my film. As audiences generally go to the cinema to be entertained, I will create my film so that is enteraining to watch. Also, even though some of the characters are quite extreme, I think that the audience’s sometimes watch films in order to find relateable characters and therefore, I plan to make my characters realistic and facing real issues that the audience can understand.

What hobbies might your audience members have?

I think that my audience will enjoy watching films in their free time and will enjoy socialising with a variety of people that they may find similar to characters in my film. Also, I think that some of the audience members may watch anime style cartoons, as some of the themes in anime cartoons are apprent in my film.

What rating would your film get in the UK?

I think that my film will be rated “18”, due to the fact that there will be will be occasional violence and language, and some of the violence in some of the scenes may be too graphic for the film to be classed as a “15”. Also, as some of the films in the film include death, drug use, child abuse, domestic violence, most peope under the age of 18 may not be able handle this.

What other media works does this audience consume regularly?

I think that my average consumer would watch a lot of Soap style programs in which they would try to relate their own lives to that of a characters. I think that most of my audience members would enjoy playing video games to relax or for excitement.

What comparable media works does your average audience member like/dislike?

As mentioned above, I think that some of my audience members will watch anime in their free time, as my film has similar issues raised in it as some anime film. My film also has similarities between otherthriller films, such as fight club, which also contains an alter ego to the main protagonist.

What comparable films has your average audience member seen?

Some well known film ideas are similar to my film. In terms of being a thriller film, my film is similar to films like fight club (as mentioned above). My film however shares more similarites with Novel’s from the Bildungsroman genre, as my film focuses on the mental and physical development of the protagonist.

Where would your average audience member shop for clothes?

I think that my average audience would shop for clothes in places such as River Island, H&M, and other such shop chains. I also think that a large amount of my audience will shop online on shos such as ebay or other online shops.

In what magazines and on what websites would you advertise your film?

I will advertise my film in magazines such as teen magazines and some of the celebrity magazines (e.g. Heat, Hello, OK, etc) I will use social network sites such as Facebook or Twitter to advertise my film, as these type of websites usually are the easiest and most effective way to distribute your film to the audiences (mass or niche)

At screenings for which films (in cinemas now) would you show yours film's trailer?

I would show my film trailer during Thriller and Horror films, as my film is a Thriller/Horror film and will therefore be relevant to my audience’s interests. I will not advertise my film during ay films certified PG or U, as the audience will not only not be old enough to view the film (generally), and the themes in my film will differ from the themes in a PG or U film and therefore the audience will not be interested in my film.

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