Monday 14 February 2011

Thinking about Narrative

In order to construct the narrative for my film opening, I designed a 3D storyboard using post-it notes and jelly babies. I did this by arranging the jelly babies onto each post-it note, before placing time duration, shot type, transition and sound, in a separate heading underneath. By doing this, it allowed my to picture each scene in my head with included background, ambience and cast, making the overall ideas of my piece a lot stronger. I also found that by using different colour jelly babies, I could quickly determine for myself just who the antagonist, protagonist and additional characters would appear in each scene. This then allowed me to deconstruct my own 3D storyboard for mise purposes, which meant that I could question my own ideas and make adaptations to my storyboard, making my overall idea a lot stronger in the end. I did find this a lot more beneficial than doing a simple sketch as it was quicker and the pieces could be moved about as a pose to having to redraw the entire picture.

Above is an image of my 3D storyboard.

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