Thursday 10 February 2011

Looking At Mainstream and Inpendant Film Logos

Examples of mainstream film logos:

Mainstream film logos are created by large American institutions who have enough funding to create more expensive animated logos which can be used to "wow" a diverse audience. These insitution logos are very specific to each company and allows an audience to relate to that institution, as they will have seen the logo either in film trailers on TV or in the cinema. As my own film tagets a niche audience, I will not focus too much on these types of logo as I will not use a logo of this style in my own film.

Examples of independant film logos:

These logos are a lot more basic than that of the mainstream films, and usually these logo's do not contain much (or any) animation, due to the lack of funding to do so. The independant film logos aren't made for engaging the audience with their intricacy and uniqueness, but are merely there to allow the audience to recognise the institution behind the film, allowing the audience to make the decision to watch the film based on what other films the institution has been a part of. I plan to make my film independant and therefore I will create a basic logo which will merely give my institutional name to the audience and show a memorable logo to them which they can relate to other films.

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