Monday 14 February 2011

Constructing my Film Opening's Narrative

This is an Initial Idea I Had For My Film Opening. This is quite basic and therefore does not contain all of the camera angles I would use, however it serves as a rought idea for what I am planning to do:

• An ominous background noise will be used to build tension. The film will start with the end of the narrative. The screen will be black as the film begins. The opening logos will run before the film starts. The logo’s will be:
• Lone Raven Pictures Presents…
• Produced + Directed By… Aero’s Edit
• Sound of distant shouting. This is followed by the sound of protest, followed by gunfire. The camera cuts into the action just in time to see the blood spatter on the wall.
• (Male 1) is staring at (Female 1) who lies dead on the ground.
• (Male 1) is shown to be holding the gun. His hand is injured and his blood is dripping down the barrel of the gun.
• Cars going past can be heard in the background
• The sound of police cars suddenly becomes apparent. (Male 1) remains motionless.
• Police are shown rushing up the stairs (their legs will be shown but only their legs.
• (Male 1) hears the police banging on the door. He appears calm walks over to the mirror and uses his bloody hand to write “I’m sorry” on it. The image in the mirror will flicker to the teenage version of himself
• (Male 1) Places the gun against his head and pulls the trigger.
• Before the gun fires, cut to films title. Sound of gun fire causes the titles to begin to appear as if written.
• Edgy music will begin to play along side the opening credits (etc…). Quick snappy jump cuts between scenes which show events in the character’s past will make the opening more surreal:
• Writing in Diary (long shot of character in “Study”, scrawling manically in his diary.
• Jump cut to a high angle shot that shows him writing pages and pages in his diary.
• The camera focuses in on his writing. It becomes apparent that he is writing about a girl. The sentence that will be highlighted to the audience will be “I saw her again today…”
• Jump cut to a close up of “love interest”. She turns towards the camera, and smiles.
• The camera quickly flickers between her and the dead body a couple of times before cutting back to a high angle shot of him, still scrawling away in his diary.
• The camera cuts quickly to more events in his past, which show him hidden in the cupboard, watching his parents arguing. His father is backing his mother into a corner.
• The scene cuts slightly into the future where his mother is being brutally attacked by his father. The camera zooms in on the wardrobe where the he is shown crying.
• Suddenly, a loud (almost demonic) scream arises which acts as a sound bridge into the next frame, where the camera is focusing again on the words in the diary. “I hate him, I hate him, I HATE HIM!!!” will be all that appears on the page.
• Another jump cut shows a close up of (Male 1) alone in a room, slicing open his finger with a razor blade. He looks at his finger for a second, before bringing his finger to his bloody mouth and licking it.
• The jump cuts between frames now grow faster and the frames themselves grow shorter. The frames flicker between the previous one and the current one to create tension. There will also be a build in tense background noise.
• Jump cut to a close up of him staring out of the window.
• Jump cut to a P.O.V shot of him looking out the window. There is no movement in the road.
• Jump cut to the same scene. “Raven” has appeared. In the centre of the street. She is looking down the road. (Long Shot)
• Jump cut to the same scene. She is looking upwards at the camera. (Long Shot yet closer)
• Zoom in on the same shot. (Long Shot yet closer)
• Zoom in on the same frame. (Body Length Shot)
• Zoom in on the same frame. (Mid Shot)
• Zoom in on the same frame. (Close up)
• Zoom in on the same frame (Extreme close up on eyes)
• Jump cut to the first shot of “Raven” in the middle of the road, looking upwards at the camera. (Long Shot)
• Jump cut to the same shot. “Raven” has disappeared.
• The montage of jump cuts cease as the sound reaches its climax. There is now an ominous silence.
• The camera focuses on (Main 1) who is starting out of the window. He has a blank expression on his face, showing this experience is now normal for him. He turns around slowly and sees “Raven”
• The screen jumps to a black screen.
• In my film, this would then go into the films plot but this is where my film opening ends.

In this, I have used (Main 1) to represent my main male protagonist in my film, as i have not yet decided on a name for him. Some of the ideas I have in miond for his name are:

- Jovelle Antony Williams - Originates from two of my names (Jovelle & Antony) along with my mother's maiden name (Williams)
- Jaden Lucas - This name was randomly created by being chosen randomly from two hats, one containing a variety of forenames and the other containing surnames
(The names mentioned above are ones I'm siding with as in my film, the character's who are on close terms with the protagonist will refer to him as "Jay")
- Andrew Jones - Generated by random choice from a hat.
- Scott Johnson - Generated by random choice from a hat.

I have also used (Female 1) to represent my female lead protagonist. Some of the names I have chosen are:

- Krystal Holmes - I chose the surname randomly from a hat, however the first name of this character was a play on the word "Crystal", subtlely indicating that she is precious through the main character's eyes. I used this to come up with more names, including:
- Sapphire
- Ruby
- Precious
- Jade

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