Thursday 10 February 2011

My audience analysis

This is the first half of my results. The majority of the people I asked on the first day of my survey were around my targeted age range.

1. In which age group are you in?

This question wasn’t very important to my survey, however it showed me how many people took part in the survey. I planned to aim my film at people aged between “16 – 20”, so most of the people I asked myself were between that age range.

2. Do you occasionally go to the cinema with children? (11 years old and under)

This question would help me to determine whether my targeted audience would take their younger siblings/relatives to the cinema. This would help me as if the majority answered “yes”, I could make adjustments to my ideas before creating my film so that it is suitable for children.

From this, I have found that the majority of people in my age range do not go to the cinema with children, meaning that my idea for my film will not have to be edited much to be suitable for the targeted audience.

3. Which of these film Genres do you prefer?

The importance of this question was to find out just what my audience’s interests were. This would help me decide on a genre for my film, based on what my audience preferred. I will try to include my existing ideas into the film however; I will take into account the preferred genres my audience have chosen.

From this, I found out that the top three genres selected by my audiences are “Action”, “Comedy” and “Thriller.” With this information, I plan to use my initial ideas which were based around the Thriller/Horror genres and add comical moments to the film to comedy lovers, and add a bit of action to the film for people who love excitement in a film.

4. What would you expect to experience from the following Genres? (this can include props, settings, emotions experienced by characters and viewers)

Horror – Most of my audience said that they would expect to feel terrified and would expect a long build up of suspense. Also, the “villain” should remain concealed to add to the mystery, creating a fear of the unknown. Some of the key words assassinated with horror films are: blood, gore, knifes, victims, murders, villains, death, violence, and so on.

Drama – Most of the audience thought that this should be something that they could really submerge themselves into and be able to relate to a central character and their lives. The acting, costumes and setting should be realistic and the entire point of the film should be to create a catharsis.

Crime + Mystery – The surveyed said that these films should have a good complex yet “followable” plot which they cannot predict. There should be a lot of twists and enigma codes throughout the narrative and settings and characters should again be realistic to create a sense of verisimilitude.

Thriller – The audience said that these films should be fast action packed excitement which should shock and at times scare the audience. This type of film should, as its name suggests, “thrill” the audience. Some key signifiers my audience related to these films are: violence, fights, physiological issues, and so on.

5. For which of these reasons do you generally go to the cinema? (you may choose more than one option)

The purpose of this question was to find out about what my audience look for when they go to the cinema and generally category of audience I can trying to pitch my film to.

Other – Some of the comments for “other” were:
• To be entertained
• To see a favourite actor
• To get the full effect of a film from the large screen and surround sound.

I have found from this that the majority of my audience like to be entertained at the cinema only a select few like to go to the cinema to be informed. The film I plan to make may serve to inform people and will cause then to engage their brain, meaning that I may have to pitch my film to a different audience for it to be appreciated and to do well.

6. Which of these would you say is your favourite film out of the following options?

This question was just to give me a rough idea of what films people veer towards. I chose a range of films roughly from each genre so that I could see just where people’s interests lie.

7. Please leave comments on what specifically attracts you to the cinema. (E.g. the excitement, the interesting storyline, the characters, etc…)

Some of the answers to this were:
• The previews and trailers on TV
• If I’ve watched all of the set of a film (e.g. James Bond) I will watch all of the sequels.
• I’ve read the book so therefore I want to see how it works out as a film
• I like the famous actors
• I love the action packed events in the movies
• The larger screen, the surround sound
• The feeling of “Going out”

Taking these into account, I think that the film I design should be action packed and should give the same “I must go and see the sequel” feeling. I think that I should make my own movie as exciting as the cinema and watching my film should feel as special as going out to the cinema.


Below are the results to the survey taken from my audience to find out about their interests...

My Survey Results (Part 1)

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