Wednesday 20 October 2010

My Preliminary Task - Filming

I have now finished filming my preliminary task and am currently about to edit my piece.
I found it difficult to effectively film tracking shots using the dolly, as I found it difficult to manoeuvre the dolly at the same speed as the actress who was walking. I did however find it easier to film using the dolly than handheld, as it was less jolty than the handheld alternative; however, walking at the same speed as the actress with a handheld camera was easier than with a dolly. I also found it quite difficult to film smooth tilt shots as the joints on the tripod were stiff so the tilt shots were constantly jolty.
Filming wasn’t that tricky, but I did find it difficult to keep the camera steady at all times. I solved this problem by sitting down while filming and keeping the camera steady with both hands, meaning that the camera was secure. During filming, I decided to change my script to something more comical, because I thought my previous one was to demanding. I also decided to change the tracking shot from just being a backwards tracking shot all the way to being half a backwards tracking shot and half a forwards tracking shot, as I thought that this would make my piece more interesting.
I have to re-film the scene with the woman walking along the hallway, as the first time I filmed it the camera was jolty. I also had to re-film the conversation from different angles so that I had a range of shots to use for my actual film.
I felt fully prepared to film at first, but when I picked up the cameras and started filming I found myself unable to do all of the shots I had intended to do well. I prepared myself by focusing on the task in hand and trying to drown out any distractions that may hinder my goals.
I enjoyed using new equipment and getting a feeling of what it would be like to create a film. I enjoyed experimenting with editing after filming and using different effects to enhance my film.

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