Tuesday 12 October 2010

My Preliminary Task - Media Film Script

This is a copy of my original script.

A dark room. A long shot shows a man is shown sitting in a chair. His arms are bound behind him and tied to the chair.

Cut to:

A high angled pan over the man. He is unconscious and his face can be seen to be bruised.

Cut to:

A close up shot shows the man’s face. The man’s eyes are shown to twitch slightly, before slowly opening

Cut to:

A P.O.V shot shows the man looking around the room. His breathing can be heard to be quickening as the camera scans the room.

Cut to:

A close up of a pair of women’s legs are shown, striding powerfully along a dimly lit hallway. The woman is wearing a pair of black stilettos and black tights, but only up to just below her knees are shown.

Cut to:

A mid shot of behind the woman. The woman can be shown bouncing slightly with each step she takes. The woman’s footsteps gradually increase in speed, and then suddenly stop. The woman is shown looking to her left at a door, but her face remains hidden by her fringe.

Cut to:

A P.O.V shot of the woman. The woman’s hand is shown reaching for a door handle. The door handle is pushed downwards and the door creaks open.

Cut to:

A shot of the door opening is shown, tilting downwards as the woman enters the room. With this, her whole attire is shown. She is dressed is formal attire: A navy blue blazer with a white shirt and a blue/black striped tie is shown first. As the camera tilts downwards, the woman is shown to be wearing a matching navy blue skirt, which is worn just above the knee. Her black tights and heels are shown last.

Cut to:

A close up shot shows of the man’s face. He slowly looks upwards towards the woman. A perplexed look is seen on his face, but her remains silent.

Cut to:

A mid shot shows the woman, pulling a chair from underneath the table and sitting down so that she is facing the man.

Cut to:

A close up shows the woman’s fingers, drumming against a table. The camera follows her fingers to a tape recorder, where she presses the record button downwards. The camera pans upwards to a shot of the woman’s face, which she moves towards a small microphone attached to the tape recorder.

This interview is being tape recorded and may be given in evidence if your case is brought to trial. The time is 2200 hours on Tuesday 22nd September 2012. This interview is taking place at Chelmsford Police Station. My name is detective _____ _____. My role today is to interview you in relation to the offence(s) you've been arrested for. I will be making notes during the interview purely for my reference. Now… Can you please state your full name please and confirm for the purpose of the tape that there are no other persons present in the interview room.

Cut to:

A close up shows the man looking downwards. You can see a tired expression on his face.
I’m innocent… You’ve got the wrong person!

Cut to:

A close up shows the expression of the woman’s face changes from quite calm to quite angry.

(Losing control of herself)
Can you state your full name and confirm, for the purpose of the tape, that there are no other persons present in this room.

Cut to:

A close up shows the man quickly looking upwards at the woman. He has now lost his temper.
I’ve already told you. You’ve got… the wrong… guy!

Cut to:

While the man is speaking, the woman quickly is shown reaching over and pressing ‘pause’ on the tape recorder. A pan shot shows the woman reaching over the table and grasping onto the front of the man’s shirt. She has now also lost her temper.

Cut to:

A close up shot shows the woman’s face. She is angry.

Well what difference does it make? You’re one of them. Eventually, you all turn. You all get the urge. In the end, you’re all a just bunch of murderers!

Cut to:

A mid shot shows the woman relinquishing her grip on the man, who falls back down into his seat.

Cut to:

A close up shot shows the man looking downwards, wearing a solemn look on his face.

I’m… I’m not one of them…

Cut to:

A close up shows the woman staring at the man with a loathing stare.

Sure you’re not. I can see it in your eyes. You’ve killed… and you’ve liked it.

Cut to:

A close up shows the woman’s fingers leaving the table and lightly stroking her neck.

You feeling thirsty? It must’ve been days since you last… topped up. Well, here I am… come and get me.

Cut to:

A close up shows the man’s face, looking up at the woman. The camera zooms into the man’s eyes, which flicker bright green, before changing back to their natural colour.


Fade to black.

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