Thursday 27 January 2011

Thinking about Genre (3)

I recently analysed the opening of the film "Star Wars Episode 4 - A New Hope" in order to gain insight into the Sci-Fi Genre

The opening yellow credits of the film against the black background creates the idea of outer space in the mind of the audience, builting on the science fiction feel to the film. The first thing the audience are shown is a spaceship being shot at by lasers, which immediately creates a futuristic science fiction feel. The first characters to be shown to the audience are both robotic, which shows the audience that the film is futuristic ans Sci-Fi, due to the fact that it immediately contrasts verisimilitude. The audience are shown the good guys and bad guys through the battle scene where the stormtroopers are shooting at the other guys, which encourages the audience to realise that there will be a clear aspect of conflict throughout the film. The audience are finally shown Darth Vader, who is clearly shown to be the "villain" of the film. His attire is futuristic which really supports the Sci-Fi genre.

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