Friday 21 January 2011

The differences between film openings and film trailers

Film openings

Film openings usually tend to give details of the cast, crew and institution involved in the production of the film. Also, the title of the film is shown, usually in the first 30 seconds within the start of the film. We will usually be introduced to a character who holds some importance later in the film. There will be an indication of the setting of the scene, the mood of the film.. There will also be a signature theme tune which is unique for that particular film, which audiences will recognise to be related to that film whenever it is heard (for example, the Pink Panther theme tune is unique to the Pink Panther.) The genre of the film can also be determined from the film’s opening. The pace and tone of the film’s opening usually reflects the pace and tone of the entire film. Overall, the purpose of the film’s opening is generally to set the film up and warms the audience up for what is later to come. The general purpose of the film's opening is to set the rest of the film up and to let the audience in on the general mood and tone of the film.

An example of a film opening

Film Trailers
Film trailers usually show a snippet of the movie (usually the best bits) which lets the audience know what the film’s genre is and gives an insight to the film’s plot, but generally serves to attract the targeted audience. The key difference between a film opening and a film trailer is when the titles in each are shown. Film openings usually show the film’s title near the beginning, while film trailers usually show the film’s opening near the end. The general purpose of a film trailer is to get the audience as gripped as possible and to allow the audience to get a general gist of what the film will be like. For example, in a horror film, the trailer will show the audience that the film is in fact a horror film and will give some information into the characters (usually, the villain will be seen)

An example of a film trailer

I have analyised the opening and the trailer of the same film and commented on the differences between the two. The film I have chosen to look at is Casino Royale (2006)

The Film's Opening Credits

In the first scene, we are immediately made aware that it is a "Bond" film due to the spy like male in the suit turning towards the camera and firing his gun. This allows the audience to relate to the film immediately as this is what they are used to seeing while watching Bond films. We are immediately made aware that the male in the suit going to be the main protagonist in the movie and that his purpose throughout the film will be to "kill the bad guys." In the opening 5 minutes of the film, we can immediately see that the film will fit into the action genre, as a shooting occurs straight away which will excite the audience from the very start. The blood shown dripping down the screen has strong connotations of violence and makes the audience aware that film will revolve around physical conflict. The effects of the cards alongside the titles gives a casino like feel to the film and links it to the title of the film. The animations of the men with the guns shows that there will be antagonists in the film who may attempt to kill the protagonist as the film's narrative progresses. In the last 10 or so seconds of the clip, the main character's face is revealed in a close up, allowing the audience to see what he looks like so they can relate to him and gives some members in the audience a character they can admire.

The Film's trailer

In the film's trailer, rather than being taken step by step though the film's narrative, we nare taken through various sections of the film that will grip the audience. The trailer starts slow and builds up the tesion, before the action filled sections that follow really grip the audience. Little sections of the film's narrative are explained to the audience, however, the the main purpose of the trailer is to grip the audience. The Bond style background music helps to allow fans of Bond film to realise that the film is in fact a Bond film. The title at the end of the clip gives the title to the audience and makes them aware of the film's release date.

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