Monday, 28 March 2011

My Institution Logos

Below are the logos I designed for my film opening.

Experimental Logos

Notes on my titles

Below are notes on my titles.

Notes on my Titles

I have decided to use the "Lone Raven Pictures" logo and the "Hysteria" logo, as they are my favourite logos and they match the mood of my piece. Also, I showed my four logos to 20 unbiased members of my targeted audience, and their choices were the same (on average) as mine. I believe that my logos will be better suited for an independant film (which my film is) and will be original and memorable enough so that any audience members who see my film will recognise my logo and will be influenced to watch my film.

My Lone Raven Pictures Logo

My Hysteria Productions Logo

My Analysis of film titles

My Analysis of film titles

My Analysis of Film Titles (Times and Durations Etc...)

The opening to Resevoir:

The opening to Se7en:

My Initial Shot List

Initial Shot List

Annotated Shot List

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Consent Forms

After deciding on my cast, I handed out consent forms to my actors to sign whcih would mean that they gave their permission to be filmed. By me handing out consent forms, it means I can be sure that my actors give me permission to film then and I can be sure of who I am filming.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

My Film Schedule

Below is a film schedule I created for my actors so that they knew when they would be needed for filming. On the film schedule, I have highlighted the location I film be filming in, the time of which I will be filming in, and the actors I will require.

Film Schedule 2

I have decided to use a film schedule so that I can handle all of my filming by a set time to give myself time in case I need to refilm certain sections of my film. Also, by creating the film schedule, my actors will know where to go and at what time so that I can save as much time as possible.

Friday, 18 March 2011

My Final Decision on Cast

After careful deliberation, I have decided on my cast. I plan to tell my cast they have been successful as soon as possible. Below, are short extracts from the successful candidates and why I have chosen them:

Jovelle (Teen)
I have decided to use myself for this role. I have chosen to film myself because I have drawn a lot of the character’s traits from my own persona and therefore I feel that I will be best suited to portray the character. Also, as I will know what I want the character to do in each scene, it will be easier to direct myself to do what I am looking for than someone else. As I will be filing myself, I will either be using a tripod to film and edit most of the clips, or I will need to hire someone who can film me for more complex scenes.

Krystal (Teen)
I have decided to use Louise Chick to play this character. I have chosen her because her personality matches that of the character and I think that out of all the auditioned actresses, she would relate to the character easier than the other actresses. Her acting ability is high and she can use the base idea of the character and put her open pin on the role, which is what I am looking for in my actors. I also think that she is easy to direct and fun to work with, which will make the filming stage of my film more bearable.

I have decided to scrap this character as I don’t think that this character is a need. I think that it’ll be a lot better to stick to the main character as the film’s narrative focuses in the character’s growth. As this character is made reference to in the opening but if not a necessity, I will not use him.

I have decided to use Devon Dalton. I have chosen her because her appearance it the closest to the character out of all of the auditioned actresses. She is also the closest fit to my initial Character Profile and has a good understanding of the role. I will need to specifically style her make up before filming her so that she fits the Gothic role, and I will need to find a costume that fits her body shape.

My Auditions

Below are a series of films in which I am auditioning a vartiety of people for various roles. Enjoy.


I have decided to change my protagonist back to a male, as I found this to be a lot less confusing when it is explained to others. I found the standard hetrosexual relationship to be easier to explain and to potray than the female homosexual relationship, which is why I have changed my idea back.

Thursday, 10 March 2011


In order to effectively cast each character, I plan to hold auditions which would help me to see if the actor is suitable for the role. I have designed a few short monologues which will arise at sometime during the film. These monologues should help me to see if the actor can in fact act, and if they can correctly portray the character. As there are only three characters in the film’s opening who may have any lines, I have only written monologues for these three characters.

Jovelle (Adult)
For 20 years I… (Trails off) I had the same dream... (Long pause) I was staring into a mirror… and in front of me I saw this (pause)… man… this scrawny aged face, splattered with blood. He looked pathetic, desperate, miserable, but… (Long pause) at the same time… I felt his pain… I understood the troubles he had endured. I reached out to him and… he reaches out to me. Our hands meet on the glass and… he opens his mouth as if to speak and I do the same. (Losing his temper) I quickly drag me hand away and he does the same! I curse him for mimicking me, addressing him with every foul utterance that I manage to squeeze from my lips. Like verbal bullets, I unleash a bombardment of obscenities his way, yet still the bastard continues to imitate me, word for word, gesture for gesture! (Pause) Then, as the “Coup de Grace”, my trademark crooked smile appears on his contorted face.
For 20 years, I tried desperately to make sense of the dream. I read every book, every leaflet, spoke to every teacher, every doctor… (Long Pause) They all said I was stressed or some shit like that, and I never listened to them. I just went on with my life… so naïve… so stupid… never stopping to realise what was so obvious, so insanely obvious. (Long Pause) It was my face in the mirror… my aged face… my face covered with blood… It all makes sense now…

Jovelle (Teen)
(Optimistically) I… love you. (Long Pause) I think you’re amazing. I think you’re wonderful. I love the way you wear your hair, I love that cute little pouty thing you do when someone’s taking a picture of you. I love your cute little walk. The way your hips sway from side to side with every step. I love how headstrong you are, how smart you are. You’re not like other girls… you have ambition, you have drive. You inspire me to be a better person. (Long Pause) I love the fragrance you wear. Sometimes I deliberately walk past you just to catch your scent. What I’m trying to say is… I love you… I love everything about you… I fantasize about you… (Pause) One time you… you left the room and I… (Pause) I took one of your pens. You know… that pink one? It had a fuzzy tip and googly eyes… I don’t know why I did it… I suppose… I just… wanted to have something of yours with me, a piece of you with me… (Long Pause) because I can’t have you… and I want you… (Angrily) So why don’t you want me!?
(With increasing rage) I… hate you… I despise you… You’re an evil bitch! How dare you be so beautiful? How dare you make me fall in love with you? What gives you the right to break my heart in two? What gives you the right to make me feel shit about myself? You know what I did yesterday because of you? (Long Pause) I took a razor blade… and I cut myself… twice along my forearm. And I apologised. I apologised for loving you. I apologised for not being there for you. There to provide for you, appreciate you, compliment you, care for you, make love to you… (Pause) die for you… (Long Pause) Look… (Reveals bandaged arm) I blame you… this is your doing! This is your fault! You made me do this… (Long Pause) And you know what? (Pause) I’d gladly do it again for you! I’d gladly bleed for you if it made you notice me… if it made you acknowledge me… if it made you love me…
(Pleading) Love me… just… love me… (Completely enraged) Goddamn it, just love me!

I’ve got a question for you… and try to answer truthfully. (Pause) What is your purpose? Why do you get up each morning, force yourself through day after day of pain and suffering? (Long Pause) Let me guess. (Mockingly) You’re doing it for your friends? (Long Pause) No? (In sudden realisation) Ah… for “love”… a pathetic insipid emotion. It’s just a weakness, all too easy to exploit by your enemies. Let me give you a little piece of advice. Forget about love. Forget that “warm fuzzy feeling” you get whenever you see her walk by. It’ll bring you nothing but pain. You will suffer, you will kill, and you will die. That. I can promise you.


Krystal: Jay!? Is that you?

Jovelle: (Smirks) Found you…

Jovelle draws a gun and aims it at Krystal. She begins to panic initially at the sight of the gun, but quickly subdues her fear.

Krystal: (Nervously) Please, give me a chance to explain…

Jovelle: Explain!? There’s no explanation for what you did… You betrayed me… you made a fool out of me!

Krystal: I made a mistake! Please… I love you… I’m sorry… I’m sorry…

Jovelle: And I loved you… (Slight pause) loved you…

Krystal: No… don’t say that… (Pause) Look, we can start again, please! Just… forgive me…

Jovelle: (repeating Krystal’s words) Forgive you…

Krystal: (quickly) Yes! We can make it work. Just… put the gun down. (Pause) Put the gun down…

Jovelle: (long pause) I’ve heard enough…

Takes aim with the gun.

Krystal: (pleading) No please, no…

Jovelle: (angrily) Enough!

Krystal: (loudly) No don’t!

Jovelle: (angrily) Just die!

Jovelle pulls the trigger, shooting Krystal in the stomach. She stares at Jovelle in shock, leading him onto shoot her again. She falls to the ground, gasping for breath. She feebly reaches up towards Jovelle and stares at him. He is now weighted down with guilt and anger.

Krystal: (Weakly) J… Jay…

Jovelle: (angrily) Die! (Pulls the trigger) Die! (Pulls the trigger) Die! (Pulls the trigger) Die! (Pulls the trigger) Die! (Pulls the trigger)Just fucking die!!!

This is the general routine I plan to follow when I audition my actors. If there is any other specific questions I need to ask the actor then they will be included.

1. Ask name, age

2. Ask about themselves (e.g. )

3. Ask why they enjoy acting

4. Explain to the actor/actress what the “film” is about, tell them they will be needed for the film’s opening, etc…

5. Ask to read the script I feel they will be suited for

6. Ask about own personal experiences (similar to the character)

7. Ask how they feel about the character after reading the script

8. Ask if they have any questions

9. If I feel they are suited for another role, then return to step 5

10. Thank them for their time and tell them you’ll let them know if they’re successful A.S.A.P


I have done this because I took sections from my films entire narrative and created audition scripts from them which will allow me to see if the actor is completely suitable for the character. As I was considering the actor for the entire film and not just for the film's opening, I thought that it would be better to use scripts which will truely test the actor. Also, as there are few lines in my film's opening, I thought that it would be difficult to create audition scripts based on the film opening.

Costume Ideas for Krystal

Below is my ideas for the costume the character Krystal will wear.

Costume Ideas for Krystal

Friday, 4 March 2011

Costume Ideas for Raven

Below is a link to my Costume Ideas for Raven

Costume Ideas for Raven


I have recently been thinking about changing the gender of my protagonist “Jovelle” from male to female. I have thought that this would work just as well, as I can still have the character wearing the same type of clothing to make her seem tomboyish and make the relationship between her and Raven a lot more friendly. Also, I though that if I changed the love interest to a male, I can show the male’s aloofness and unawareness to Jovelle’s love. This could really be used to show why the character goes insane by the end. I also thought that I could keep the gender of the love interest female and portray Jovelle as a confused young female who believes she is in love with another female and as the story progresses, the love can grow and morph into obsession, ending in the same way. However, if I do take this path and portray Jovelle as homosexual, I will need to avoid offensive stereotypes and I would need to make sure that the overall story still makes sense.

I plan to complete a survey which will help me decide if I should keep the gender of my protagonist the same or whether I should change my protagonist’s gender. Also, I plan to audition male and female actors for the roles of Jovelle and the love interest, and from there, I will see if I prefer a male or female actor to portray that character.

Costume Ideas for Jovelle

Below is a link to my Costume Ideas for Jovelle

Costume Ideas for Jovelle